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South Carolina Unemployment Insurance Setup in Patriot Software


If you are an employer in the state of South Carolina, you will enter two separate tax rates for Unemployment Insurance:

  1. Your Unemployment Insurance (UI) Rate
  2. A surcharge tax called the Administrative Contingency Assessment.  

You will receive a notice from the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce with both tax rates for your business.  If you are a Full-Service Payroll customer, Patriot Software will deposit and file both taxes for you.  To get your tax rates and for more information, see the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce Website.  If you are a new employer, get your new employer SUTA rate at our South Carolina Payroll and New Employer Information page.

How to Add South Carolina Unemployment Insurance Rates in Patriot Software

Payroll > Settings > Payroll Settings > State Unemployment Rates >  Edit

You’ll need to enter each tax rate one at a time.

  • Enter an Effective Date
  • Enter the SC Admin Contingency Assessment Tax Rate.
  • Click Save.

Repeat the same steps for the Unemployment (SUTA) Rate.  Be sure to enter all SUTA rates you have used so far this year, if they have changed.  You will need to update these rates when you receive your annual notice from the South Carolina DEW.  A history of your former rates will be recorded.

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