Viewing My Time Summary Report
If you are an employee and have any questions about your paychecks, W-2s, or using the employee portal, please contact your employer. Patriot Support staff cannot answer your questions via chat, email, or phone. We can only speak with authorized company contacts.
This report is only available if your employer has the optional time and attendance add-on.
The Time Summary Report in your employee portal shows a summary and details of your recorded time on past time cards. This report helps look up hours worked, in addition to vacation or other non-worked time.
1. Click “Time Summary Report” under the Reports list.
2. Change the dropdown lists to filter your report to the dates you want to see.
3. Choose the hour types you want to see. By default, all Hour Types will be included. To only show certain Hour Types, use the checkbox list to select the hours to include.
4. Click Run Report.
5. A summary list of your total hours will be displayed for the pay period. To view totals by day, click View Details in the top left corner of the list.
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